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Municipal Museum of Kalavryta Holocaust

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mouseio.jpgOne of the most historical monuments of the city is the Municipal Museum of the Holocaust. The historical and martyr site was inextricably linked with the events of the occupation and particularly the terrible tragedy of December 13, 1943. Here the residents of the town of Kalavrita experienced and suffered the cruelty of the Nazi atrocities: the misleading concentration site, the brutal separation of families, the horrible confinement of women & children and the violent evacuation.

The building of primary school was built in the early 20th century, on expenses offered by the great Greek philanthropist Andreas Sygrou and opened in the year 1906, while during the period of occupation its operation ceased. It operated as a school only from September until December 1943. This was the shortest school year in its long contribution to education.museum.jpg

Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως σχολείο μόνο από το Σεπτέμβριο μέχρι το Δεκέμβριο του 1943. Αυτή ήταν η μικρότερη σχολική χρονιά στη μακρόχρονη συμβολή του στην εκπαίδευση.
On December 13, 1943 it was burned by the Nazis. The school building became the site of the families violent separation. Women and children were confined in the school, while men aged 14 and over, were driven in convoys in the nearby ridge of Kappi.

after the disaster.jpg
In the school, the women lived moments of suspense and horror as the flames surrounded the building. Breaking doors and windows they finally managed to escape, running away from their homes that were also on fire, and began to seek their own. Then the women went up to the hill were the men were led, but came face to face with the most horrible and inhuman spectacle. Men, fathers, sons and brothers were lying dead flooded in blood.women.jpg


All the youth of the city, were wiped out at 2:34 of December 13, 1943, as it is evident by the stopped clock indicators of the church. The drama continued, since women digged with their bare hands graves, on the frozen land, to bury their dead. Using whatever available blankets, they moved some of the dead to the cemetery, while they buried the rest of them at the hill, a tragic scene that lasted for days. After the end of the war the school was rebuilt according to its original plan. It reopened in 1950 and in 1986 was declared a historical monument by the Ministry of Culture and the decision was taken to house the Municipal Museum of the Holocaust, in order to present materials related to the events of December 13, 1943.



Address: Α. sygrou 1-5, Kalavrita
Tel. & Fax: 26920-23.646

Ανοικτό: Tuesday - Sunday
Winter hours: 09:00 to 16:00
Summer hours: 10:00 to 17:00

General Entrance: 3,00 €
Discount Tickets: 2,00 € to 1,50 €

Discount tickets for:
a). Organised groups.
b). College students and citizens over 65 years old.

Free entrance:
a). Ancestors of the victims
b). Holders of special pass
c). Primary school students
d). Disabled people

Days of free entrance for all visitors:
- 12 & 13 December
- 18 May (International Museum Day)

Sources: www.depapoz.gr , www.kalavrita.gr



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