Sagaiika Cultural Events
The City of Movri organizes during the carnival, festivities with parades. During the summer festivals are held throughout the municipality according to the local traditions (15th of August, Prophet Elias, Pantanassis etc.) with most important of all, the famous festival of Kleftouria,...
Cultural Events of Tripotama & Dafni The Municipality of Aroania has its own tradition about the resistence to the Nazis and the on the "OXI"(NO) of Metaxas on 1940. On the day of October 28th, the residents gather at an open space and use flammable materials to consruct a big "OXI" which is then switched on fire,...
Rio’s Municipality Cultural Events
The Municipality of Rio organizes each year the Festival of School Drama, a three –day Street Theatre Festival, a traditional dance Festival in Kato Kastritsi, a range of events under the title “Nights of Culture”, the “Politia for children”, the “Cherry...
Cultural Events of Akrata
The "Cultural Summer" and "Akrata Carnival" with the game of "Hidden treasure", ar the most important institutions, revived every year at Akrata, while the Institute of Manos Hatzidakis - Nikos Gatsos contributes significantly to the cultural life of the region with...
Nautical Week
Every second year, at the end of June and beginning of July, there is a series of cultural happenings entitled Nautical Week that take place in Patra, at open theatres, with subjects that refer to the sea and its effect on the lives of the citizens and travellers. There are also sardine...
Institution Of Ancient Drama
Patra is one of the very few European cities to host two summer festivals. Apart from the International Festival, which bears the stamp of the Municipality, the visitor has the opportunity, each summer and especially in August, to see important theatrical plays in frames of the Festival of the...
International Shadow Theatre Festival
Playing with shadow and light in all possible ways, is undeniably something magical. Numerous Karagiozi happenings are hosted in Patra and other municipalities throughout the year, while the Municipality of Patra has been organizing, for the past few years, the International Shadow Theatre...
Municipal and Regional Theatre of Patra
The Municipal and Regional Theatre of Patra was founded in 1988. The Theatre has already completed a twenty-year cycle of creative presence in the territory of Greek regions and the area of contemporary drama. It is a theatre organization having a Panhellenic reach which produces...
Kalavrita cultural events
The Cultural Development Enerprise and Quality of Life (DEPAPOZ) of Kalavrita has many cultural activities to present, including the Philharmonic of Kalavrita, guitar music classes, piano, choir, dance classes and rhythmic gymnastics classes. The events include the Cultural August (with concerts,...
Cultural Events of Paralia The area includes the settlements Paralia, Roitika and Mintilogli and separates the cultural events in three sections: a) "Our sea" b) "Our roots" c) "Our land". Events include sailing races, the revival of trata (a fishing boat), contest in pyrofani (a method of...
Kato Achaia Cultural Events
The city organizes carnival events and major parades. On the Monday after the carnival, "koulouma" take place and the citizens fly kites on the beach of Kato Achaia while at Dymi festivals and important cultural event take place. Summer cultural events entitled...
Rododafni Cultural Events
The events of Sympoliteia municipality are directly bound to the local raisin production and more specificaly to the Corinthian type of raisin. But also the events are characterised be a carnival, sports and traditional character too. Celebration of raisins, are organized by the Cultural...
International Festival of Patras
The capital of Achaia region is known for its International Festival, which usually lasts from July to September and makes the Roman Theater (Ancient Odeon) the center of the most important cultural inter-European contacts. The events of the International Festival of Patra are held at various...
Cultural Events of Chalandritsa and Leontio
Agricultural life and tradition of Achaia, is not hosted only in folklore museums and fairs, but it is also exposed during the unique county Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, held in late August for a weekend at Halandritsa. The agricultural population can be informed through the exhibition...
Patras Carnival
The Carnival is the modern version of the Dionysian Mysteries, one of the most important carnivals in Europe and the most crowded one in terms of its active participants. It embraces thousands of Greek and foreign youths who flood the streets of Patra every February to unwind the city’s...
Tradition and Culture Achaia preserves its traditions and customs in a way that resists time. The quaint cafes in its villages, with their constant customers who exchange views and play traditional board games such as card games and backgammon, the keeping of old celebration customs such as "Koulouma", the...
Cultural Events at Strofylia - Lakopetra
At the municipality of Larissos, the Lakopetra Cultural Association organizes a summer Sardine festival in a large open space. The City celebrates on May 10th in celebration of St. Nicholas arrondissement Spata which gathers crowds of pilgrims, many of which have vowed to walk all the way from...
International Festival of Film & Culture
Patra’s International Festival of Film & Culture activities expands into a variety of arts such as theatre, photography, poetry and visual creation through the participation of an increasing number of individuals and organized communities of the city associated with arts and culture....
Cultural Events of Vrachneika and Ovrya
Six days of traditional cultural events organized by the Municipality Vrachneikon each August, while on July theatrical performances are given by the remarkable theatrical classes of the municipality, at the atrium of the magnificently restored building of the railway station. Messatida is famous...
Cultural Events of Diakopto
On the second Saturday of June a festival is organised at the picturesque harbor of Diakopto at Nikolaiika, called Fest of Sardines, while in November the findings of the ongoing excavations at ancient Eliki arepresented. The last 10 days of July and the first 10 days of August the Elikeia Events -...
Cultural Events of Lousika
The visitor may experience even donkey races if he is present at the events held at the point "Koritsia" of the municipal district of Mitopolis, Olenia where food boiling in large pots on the ground is given away freely. The event is in honor of St. John between 20 and 25 June....
Cultural Events of Kleitoria
During the full moon of August a school theatrical performance is given at the Ancient Theatre of Kleitora and on the 16th of March a memorial service is held at "Chelonospilia",, at the point where on March 16 1821 the first revolutionary conflict took place, a forerunner of the...
Cultural events of Aigio
One of the most important cultural events of the county is the "Flower Festival" at the city of Aigio, which revived after many years and is a hymn to nature every May and also the event of "Elikeia". The "Flower Festival" traditional feast of flowers,...
Cultural Events of Tritaia and Kaletzi
An outdoor festival is held at the villages from spring to autumn, each time a a saint celebrates. During the feasts traditional folk music and dances take place, always accompanied by genuine traditional meals. But there are many other events in recent years that have become an institution in the...
Ziria-Lampiri Region Cultural Events
On the day of the local Saint’s celebration, a festival is being held where thousands of people gather from all around the region to honor the Saint, admire the churches’ religious paintings, taste the local specialities and the famous wine when on the same time they enjoy the...
Cultural Events at University of Patras
At the University of Patra, many cultural events take place every year with the Cultural Week being the most important one, organized either by the members of the academic community or guests. For the further development and coordination of the various cultural events a Committee for Cultural...