During the full moon of August a school theatrical performance is given at the Ancient Theatre of Kleitora and on the 16th of March a memorial service is held at "Chelonospilia",, at the point where on March 16 1821 the first revolutionary conflict took place, a forerunner of the Revolution of 1821. Every September a trade fair takes place, lasting for a whole week, usually starting on 25th or 28th of the month, with many visitors who have the opportunity to taste pork, cooked at the local restaurants.
This is the biggest fair organized at the mountainous regions of Achaia and continues the old tradition of Kleitoria being a big shopping bazaar during the Ottoman occupation era and
earlier. On May 2nd the finding of Agios Athanasios relics is celebrated, while on August 15th a festival is held in honor of Virgin Mary.
Source: www.kleitoria.gov.gr