Byzantine Period

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During the first Byzantine perio, the development of Achaia was hindered due to the invasion of the Goths (395 b.c.), the religious conflict between the Christians and the nationalists, and the great earthquake in 551A.D that shook many areas of the Empire.

Towards the end of the 6th century A.D. Achaia reemerged in the development scene as a result of silk production that helped the economy and spread to other Byzantine regions. However, because the production was so much greater in Achaia and the whole of the Peloponnese, it was renamed into Morias or Moreas, a name that comes from the greek word "mouries" i.e. mulberry trees which were used in the reproduction of silkworms.

That silk production, however, was stopped by the turmoil caused by the Slavs, who exploited the diminishing of the native population caused by the terrible disease of 746 or 747 A.D. seized the deserted settlements and then, when they were asked to leave, they revolted in 783 AD.

In 805 AD there was a new invasion by the Slavs and Sarakenoi but they were limited to only some mountainous areas of Achaia, the Nezera or Nezerohoria of the Municipality of Farres (Kalanistra, Kalanos, Platanos, Kombigadi, Lakkomata, Chrisopigi, etc). The name Nezera comes from the tribe Ezerites that inhabited the area. The new settlers were converted to Christianity and were fully assimilated by the people of Achaia.

Despite all the turbulence the production of silk was not hindered and rendered Patras a significant centre of silk production and export. The workshops of Lady Daniilida were renowned, counting thousands of slaves and special craftsmen who were named Vlattades after the place that was called Vlatero, and whose products were famous throughout the entire Empire. The power of lady Daniilida was such that in 868 AD the new emperor announced that she was the Mother Queen as recognition of her services to help him take over the throne.

The negative side was that this huge development attracted invaders like Saracens, Bulgarians, Normans and Venetians.